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Your child is in danger-here is how to protect her
February 10, 2019

Your children are in danger-here's how to protect them

Even if you are not a parent, you have nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters
Here is a research that you need to pay attention to

Adults are on their cell phones all day long
In a lot of cases these people are either on their phones or in front of their television till late hours of the night

One of the factors that pose the greatest danger to human health is lack of sleep
The health risks of sleep deprivation include heart attack, depression, sexual problems and even brain impairment
There was even on case in which a man walked off a cliff while preoccupied with his cell phone!

This is bad enough for adults

But look everywhere

What you see are kids-I mean babies, who are engaged with video screens-cell phones, video consoles, for hours a day

All the while the parent is busy doing something else satisfied, as long as the child lets him do his own thing

Now if you think this is just child's play, here is research from Canada that details the harm this kind of parental neglect pose to child development

This research involving "2,400 Canadian children found more screen time was linked to lower scores in “milestone” tests of communication, problem solving, interpersonal skills and physical coordination"


Here is the conclusion of this research
See if this is what you want for your child

Here is the quote:

"By the time they start school, a quarter of children show some degree of deficient or delayed development in language, communication, motor skills and “socio-emotional health”

This is not an isolated research
Here is another research with even more devastating negative effect of screen time on child development

Read it and if you allow your child or someone you know to distract a child just so they won't have to interact with that child, show them these researches

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