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If you could have the worlds healthiest heart and age young at the same time..
What would that mean to you?
Well, you could.. And it is simpler than you think!
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Want to age young?
Watch this video
Here is the anti aging and hormone balancer Dr Lamm recommends
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Deep in the Bolivian Amazon lives a group of indigenous people who spend their days hunting and farming.
Researchers say this may be partly why they have some of the healthiest hearts on the planet.
Want to be heart healthy?
Here is a heart surgeon who got off the cholesterol scare band wagon
His regimen for a healthy heart is how you avoid being a victim of this cholesterol hoax
A heart healthy protocol that can save your life and the lives of your loved ones!
While every organ in the body is important, you would agree that the heart occupies a special place in the body.
It is the organ that takes much needed oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body
And this is just 1 of the important functions the heart performs
“The average middle-aged Tsimane has
arteries that are about 28 years younger
than those of Westerners..”
This according to Dr. Randall Thompson, a cardiologist at St. Luke’s Health System in Kansas City, Missouri, who helped lead the "new work."
What does that mean?
It means that an 80 year old Tsimane has the heart health of a healthy American 50 year old..
..and by implication, the brain too!
That is, an 80 year Tsimane is the same biological age as a 50 year old Westerner!
If that does NOT get your attention, you might need to check your pulse to see if you're still alive!
This group of indigenous Bolivian consists of just 16,000 people
Since they have the worlds healthiest heart, they are also vigorous at any age.
They would not need Viagra-a drug that can give you a heart attack-according to the FDA..
Or Testosterone drugs, another class of drugs that can have you croak on top of your woman!
The heart is very involved in helping a man get a hard erection
If you want the worlds healthiest heart, your best bet is to find out what the Tsimane know and do..
..and imitate them!
Their modes of Transportation?
Their food staples?
That is their diet consists of:
Notice that the research does NOT say that the Tsimane are that healthy because they have superior drugs!
Of Cholesterol and worlds healthiest heart!
Notice they do NOT have to worry about lowering cholesterol!
The Tsimane are healthy because they have SUPERIOR LIFESTYLE!
Do you wonder why this research does NOT mention lowering cholesterol to maintain a healthy heart?
Why is that?
Which confirms the fact that the "lower your cholesterol or else mantra-and Statins" are a money making scam!
People with low cholesterol die younger!!
This has been proved.
The Tsimane have shown us all how to have the worlds healthiest heart
But here is one crucial prove they have given us..
Statins [Cholesterol lowering drugs] are a money making hoax!
In fact, Statins will destroy your health at several levels.
And I don't care what rosy pictures the "EXPERTS" paint about their virtues
If you do not believe me, look at the Tsimanes!
Here is a "former" heart surgeon who quit cutting peoples' heart open and swore off prescribing Statins, because he discovered it is a money making hoax
Here is his natural way to have the worlds healthiest heart without dangerous drugs
His natural ways to a healthy heart could save your life
Here is something I like to also emphasize
This research, apart from showing us the Tsimane have the worlds healthiest heart, also tells us that an 80 year Tsimane is as healthy as a healthy 50 year old Westerner!
This is very remarkable!
What this means is you can be 30 years younger than your Biological age!
I hope you realize the significance of that!
Here's a question that's hard to answer:
Let's ask it anyway..
What's the most important organ in your body?
Yeah, it's hard to answer.
Because every part of the body is important.
And they all work together to get you healthy
The heart is the organ that makes others function
So if we ask the question again:
What is the most important organ in the body?
And your answer is the HEART..
You might be forgiven
Which is why you want the worlds healthiest heart;
especially since, if you imitate the Tsimane way of life, you could be 30 years younger than your biological age!
You could..
See why why you need to strive for the worlds healthiest heart?
The Tsimane have the lowest incidence of:
According to this research..
Why is this?
Well, according to this research from Lancet, [Published March 17 2017] the Tsimane are physically active, exercising 4-7 hours a day-and they rarely smoke!
This exercise derives from their daily routine work.
They are a hunter-gatherer society
Their diet is extremely low in sugar and fat.
Being a forager society, their diets necessarily consists of plenty of fruits, vegetables and mostly foods in their raw states
According to the conclusion of this research,
".. Americans were five times likelier to have heart disease than the Tsimane."
"Almost nine in ten Tsimane had no risk of heart disease."
Which points to the fact that lifestyle choices play pivotal roles in heart disease, aging and health in general!
But here is the tragedy, as the research duly noted, as these healthy people are introduced into "civilization"-read Western diet and exploitation-their risks of cardiovascular diseases would rise exponentially
Not only that, tourism, which follows this kind of discovery-fueled by the need for profits, would eventually corrupt their way of life..
And destroy their health!
Not even a remote society who had been doing things the healthy way for millenia are immune to this kind of "progress"
But we should be imitating the lifestyles of these healthy people
Their healthy lifestyle is what gives them the worlds healthiest heart
Have you been to a modern hospital lately?
They look like the dashboard of giant space vehicles..
Modern machines humming, whirling, spinning!
The gadgets are impressive alright
Yet, we are as unhealthy as ever!
The Tsimane are healthy BECAUSE they shun drugs and have healthy lifestyles
Which is in contrast to so called modern society where there is a drug for every itch
The people with the worlds healthiest heart have no need for these gadgets..
And yet, they, on average are 30 years younger than their Western counterparts!
What does that tell you?
What we have today is "disease management.."
..for the sake of profits!
What the Tsimane have shown us is a confirmation of my constant MANTRA!
And that is..
No drug needed.
In fact, drugs send thousands of people to emergency rooms every year!
Here is one thing we know though-as proven by the Tsimane
Your body has built into it what I call "The Perfect Health Blueprint"
Your body follows this blueprint-all things being equal.
Dis-ease sets in when your body deviates from this blueprint
But here is what is also remarkable about the body
Your body also has the ability for Self Correction when it deviates from this Perfect Health Blueprint
This is how your body heals itself!
Which brings us to this truth-as demonstrated by the Tsimane:
What's more..
But the Tsimane may force us to rethink what we think we know.
For instance, the Tsimane have very high level of C-reactive proteins!
High C-reactive protein is normally indicative of inflammation
And this is normally associated with high risks of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes
This happens NOT to be true in the case of the Tsimane!
Each of them on average has the worlds healthiest heart
Is it possible that we do not know what we thought we knew?
But here is one thing we know:
Health in general and cardiovascular disease in particular is determined NOT by genes but by lifestyle!
This is the sober truth we are learning from the Tsimane people
So how can you imitate the lifestyle of the Tsimane..
..after all, you may not want to revert to the hunter gatherer lifestyle?
In this case, imitation is a matter of life and death.
Having the worlds healthiest heart is a noble endeavor that could save your life and help you age young and healthy
Observing the lifestyle of these people who have the worlds healthiest heart, here are some of the ways to imitate them
Being healthy is how you would not need these dangerous medications
Download your FREE copy of "Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick" to learn how not to be sick in the first place..
instead of trying to get healthy after the fact.
You have seen how the Tsimane have proved most of the talking heads you see on Television WRONG
Here is the blueprint for health in practice-not theory.
You can't argue with success!
After all, these people have the worlds healthiest heart..
They are about the most youthful people on the planet!
Imitate them and..
Like what you just read?
Do me and your friends a favor;
Feb 11, 25 03:20 PM
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