Effective tips for harder erection
and great sex

Useful tips for harder erection that can help you regain your manhood..

..and jack up your libido without the health risks of drugs!

Which one of these 2 is Your Manhood Battery?


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Page Summary

Why can't you get the hardest erection of your life?


It might have NOTHING to do with age!


Erection killers and how to overcome them naturallyFREE BOOK CLICK IMAGE Fix your erectile dysfunction without the health risks of Viagra and other dangerous ED drugs

A vigorous male is one who can satisfy his woman in bed

You as a man desire to get hard, stay hard longer and give your woman the sexual pleasure she deserves


Erectile dysfunction affects a lot of men This is frustrating and humiliating

If you could increase testosterone and boost serum nitric oxide, you would be your lovers Casanova

Click the image or

this button

get hard erection naturally

What is Premature Ejaculation?

This another form of erectile dysfunction

This is when a man comes too fast

You could lose your woman IF you come too fast to satisfy her

Here is a scary fact..

Did you know that 4 out of 5 women admit they would cheat IF their men cannot satisfy them in bed?

Here is one of the great for harder erections

Get your hands on this Premature ejaculation Supplement

It's ALL natural and carry a whopping 67 Day Money Back Guarantee

Here is how you last longer in bed..

And give your woman toe curling orgasms

Erection in demand

 How would you like to

And all these without drugs!

These drugs are not safe anyway..

they have very serious side effects

Here's more information about the health risks of testosterone drugs

Get harder erections without hurting your health

How high a price are you willing to pay for a hard penis?

 May be you're thinking about Viagra and drugs like it?

    That will NOT be included in the list of tips for harder erection here

       WHY NOT?

Because of the many viagra erection enhancers health risks

              That's why!

Anyway, here are some side effects of these testosterone drugs that the manufacturers want to sell you

Health risks of testosterone drugs

  •  Shrinkage of the testes

  • Higher risk of prostate cancer
  • Higher risks of heart attack 

  • Infertility 

  • Sleep problems 

  • Thickened blood that increases your risks of blood clot, heart attack and strokes 
  • Development of feminine features such as larger breasts 

  • Inhibition of bone growth  

  • Kidney failure 

  • Liver problem 

  • Lower sperm count



             it gets worse

         Take a look at the graphics below

Low T drugs heart attack risksTestosterone drugs can give you a heart attack. Enlarged breasts is another risk of Low T drugs Priapism is a serious risk of testosterone drugs Priapism is persistent erection that lasts for more than 4 hours This inability to deflate even after ejaculation could result in tissue damage to the penis In some serious cases, gangrene can set in, requiring penis amputation VigRX Plus with Bioperine is a natural way to get hard penis, last longer in bed, boost testosterone and serum nitric oxide

     Get your manhood back without Viagra

Do you really need any more reasons to pay attention to these tips for harder erection than these?

But in case you do need any more reasons to avoid testosterone drugs, read the next 3 to 4 paragraphs

Risks of testosterone drugs to your woman and your girls

Risks of testosterone drugs to women and young girls


    before we forget, there are plenty more risks of testosterone drugs..
these ones to your loved ones!

The FDA warns that women and young girls should NOT come in contact with these testosterone drugs.

These drugs touching the skin of females is enough to pose serious risks

Pregnant women especially, should NOT come in contact with testosterone drugs, as they can damage the fetus

But these drugs pose no less risks to young girls, either

 A hard penis at what price?

Coming in contact with these testosterone drugs can trigger premature puberty in these young girls..

a phenomenon some experts think increases their risks of cancer as adults!

Testosterone drugs should NOT touch any part of the skin of females

What does that mean?

That means, if you rub these topical drugs on you, you cannot hug your wife or your daughter!

Which would you choose-testosterone drugs

or a natural way to get hard penis?

Now, in light of these risks, which route is safer for you and your loved ones?

  •  Expose your loved ones to the
     health risks of testosterone


  •   Use these tips for harder
      erection to feel like 20
      again, without the
    risk of
      dropping dead on top of your

Because, according to the FDA, one of the risks of Viagra and Testosterone drugs is:


Not that the consequences of low testosterone are not serious..


But drugs that put your health in danger are not the answer, even if you have low testosterone

Restoring Your Sex Drive

BUT that you can't get erection does not mean you need drug intervention

These tips for harder erection may be your keys to getting your libido back without drugs!

Get hard penis with a good night's sleep

Heck, all you need to get your libido back might just be a good night's sleep -this is actually one of the important tips for harder erection.

But you won't hear that from the ads that want to monetize your anxiety about getting a boner

 May be you should not blame them, after all, they are trying to make money.

But profits should not be at the expense of your health-and these drugs will damage your health.

I didn't say that, the FDA did.
Read those warnings again if you don't believe me

Are ED Drugs safe

The million dollar hard erection question

I know what you're thinking: If the FDA knows about the health dangers of these testosterone drugs, why doesn't that regulating agency ban these drugs altogether?

That's the million dollar question!!

But here's a tip for harder erection if you value your health: Avoid these testosterone drugs like the plague that they are

IF your testosterone level is low, here is a natural way to boost your testosterone level without subjecting yourself to the health risks testosterone drugs

Some men need Estrogen for hard erection

But a lot of men who can't get erection may actually have adequate testosterone levels.

What they might need is Estrogen!

Can't Get erection?

What you may need is Estrogen!

       ESTROGEN the female hormone?

                     That's right!

 Estrogen is required for male libido too

I know this might be one of those tips for harder erection, that you might think contradicts everything you have been told.

  Low Estrogen in men can cause low libido

Wait a minute, you say..
Isn't low testosterone a risk factor for low libido?

 Yes, it is, BUT, it is NOT the only factor, as we'll see when we discuss those tips for harder erection.

These erection tips can have you popping in the bedroom like corn on a hot plate

  Estrogen for good male
sex drive

Turns out..

  1. Low Estrogen in men can cause erectile dyfunction
  2. Low Estrogen can cause weight gain in men
  3. Low Estrogen can also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases-in men
  4. And would you believe that low Estrogen can cause brittle bones in men, as it does in women?

Research confirms estrogen for male libido

This, is what new research now says..
 In some men, Estrogen is needed, more so than testosterone, to overcome erectile dysfunction!

 This research, published in a September 2013 edition of New England Journal of Medicine, concluded that the low sex drive seen in some men, results from low Estrogen, not low testosterone, as previously thought!

Read the report for yourself at think link

Low Testosterone health Risks-Not just low libido!

Tips for harder erection that lasts longer

Yes, low testosterone poses health risks to men-AND would you believe to women too?. 
The female ovary produces testosterone too, just as the male body produces Estrogen!

Health risks of low testosterone

Here are some of the  health risks of low testosterone

  •  Premature aging

  •  Unhealthy cholesterol levels 

  •  Erratic blood sugar levels 

  •  Low sperm count 

  •  Weight gain especially in the midsection
  •  Low energy level 

  •  Decrease of muscle mass and muscle tone 

  •  Fatigue and loss of strength 

  •  Hot flashes-what is known as Andropause.
     Most people would be surprised to learn that men get hot flashes,
     but they do!

  •  Depression

  •  Mood swing and irritability
  •  Loss of bone mass

  •  Erectile problems

  •  Increased risks of cancer of the prostate

  •  Infertility

  •  Shrinkage of the testes


Why you can't get a hard erection

There are several reasons why you can't get hard erection

And it may not have anything to do with your level of testosterone, as you'll see when you read the many tips for harder erection
 Not that low testosterone is not a risk factor for erectile dysfunction.. 
 ..but that is not the whole story

 In fact, a lot of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction have adequate testosterone levels!
 So, why can't these men get a hard on?

 Let's  see how these tips for harder erection can help you overcome erectile dysfunction without drugs

Tips for harder erection that lasts longer

Here are the tips for stronger and longer erection. Following these tips can help you restore your libido without drugs

These drugs are dangerous to your health anyway, and can set you back up to $500.00 a month

Even if you have that much money to burn, why would you want to do that, when you can just implement some of these tips, get and maintain a hard erection for less, or even for nothing?

         Get Some Sleep

Increase your sex drive with good sleepIncrease your sex drive, boost testosterone and satisfy your woman in bed by getting a good night's sleep

Sleep deprivation lowers testosterone, the male hormone that gives men their male characteristics..

    Low testosterone will deprive you of a hard erection

A lot of people do not really appreciate the importance of good sleep to a good sex life.

But a good night's sleep is not only important to a man's libido, but to good health in general

Of all the tips for harder erection, this may be the most important-at least, as important to good sex life, as good nutrition

Health Sex and Circadian Rhythm

 We spend a third of our lives in bed or should.
Good sleep is tied to adequate production of hormones, including that of the sex hormone, testosterone 

 The human body operates on a 24 hour cycle of sleep and wakefulness

This cycle is called the Circadian Rhythm

Lack of sleep throws this rhythm off kilter, with serious health implications

People who sleep late at night are more likely to be overweight than those who get adequate amount of sleep.

This is the conclusion of an experiment at Sleep and Chrono-biology Laboratory at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

 And obesity is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction

 This  Circadian Rhythm , as this cycle is known, regulates, and/or is involved in a lot of the many biological processes in the body, including

  •  The immune system

  • Stress Management
  • Digestion
  • Hormone Production 

  • Weight management 
  • Brain and memory function-and we know sex is both a mental and physical process

  • Sleep 

 Lack of sleep is also a risk factor for:

  • Obesity Heart disease

  • Irritability

  • Depression.

    ALL these, are also risk factors for erectile dysfunction!

 Here is one of the most important of all the tips for harder erection

  Get some quality sleep!

 Melatonin, the sleep hormone is produced at night-in total darkness.
 That night light, however faint, may be interfering in your good night's sleep, and in your health in general


Because Melatonin is involved in more than sleep.

It is required for good health in general!

           Eat Right

Good nutrition is perhaps the most important of all the tips for harder erection
 This is because  ALL  biological processes in the body requires good nutrition.
There is no shortcut around that fact!

         Vitamin D Erection

For instance, vitamin D is essential for hard erection.
This vitamin is essential for the production of testosterone.
 Vitamin D is also required for the absorption and utilization of calcium, is required for bone health, and the health of the skin etc

            Zinc Erection

Zinc is necessary for the production of sperm.
Zinc is also involved in a lot of physiological processes in the body

       Selenium for good erection

Selenium is another nutrient required for good erection.
Most of the Selenium in a man's body is in his sperm store!

Not only that, selenium may also protect against cancer of the prostate, as grudgingly acknowledged by the FDA!

 Which is unusual, because rarely will the FDA acknowledge the therapeutic value of any substance that is  NOT  a drug!!

      Vitamin C for hard erection

Almost all fruits contain this important vitamin.
That may be a way for nature to stress the importance of this vitamin for good health

 Not only is vitamin C a strong antioxidant, it is also necessary for the production of collagen, and Collagen is required for the production of the male hormone, testosterone

 One of the requirements for a strong erection is a healthy heart. 
Vitamin C is heart protective.

 ALL animals, except man and guinea pigs-can synthesize vitamin C in their own bodies

 In fact, experts say that this ability of animals to synthesize vitamin C in their own bodies, is why heart disease in animals is rare!

 Now, here is one of those tips for harder erection that will give you all the nutrients you need for good health and healthy libido

  • VigRxPlus. A natural libido booster and a super nutrient for penis health
  • All natural no side effects
  • VigRxPlus helps you get hard, stay hard longer and satisfy your lover


What are the best erection Exercises?

 How about exercises that benefit the whole body?
After all, the body is a unit of many parts, with each part affected by what happens in the other

 The World Health Organization stated that most diseases-barring genetic disposition and/or trauma, result from poor nutrition and lack of exercises


  1. Increases blood flow-a hard penis requires good blood flow. The brain also requires adequate amount of blood for peak performance
  2. < Helps memory, reduces the risks of Alzheimer's disease
  3. Prevent wrinkles and could very well delay the onset of Menopause and Andropause
  4. Increase bone density, thereby reducing the risks of bone fracture and Osteoporosis, and Osteoarthritis
  5. Help lung function and overall health by helping the body use Oxygen more efficiently
  6. Boosts testosterone production

While we are on the subject of exercises to benefit hard erection, I would be remiss if I do not mention Kergel Exercises

         Best Erection Exercises?

Kergel exercises have been touted as the best erection exercises, but here is what some doctors say..

 That Kergel exercises do NOT really benefit erection..

..the group of people Kergel exercises benefit, are those with Incontinence problems

 Strive to be in good shape in general-that will benefit your libido
 Exercises facilitate the release of growth hormone.

Growth hormone is a precursor to the synthesis of testosterone, the male sex hormone

         Watch your weight

Obesity is a major risk factor for low testosterone.
If you're overweight, losing weight is one of the tips for harder erection you should pay attention to

 In fact, research says that overweight men are 22% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than their fit counterpart 
This is according to a Kaiser research

But obesity is not just a risk factor for erectile dysfunction, it is also a risk factor for:

  • Heart disease

  • Depression

  • Brain impairment..

    ..to mention just a few

 One of the best tips for harder erection..?
 Lose weight with the best weight loss program on the market today

Click the image to lose weight and flatten your stomach


Some people may never connect their low libido with the medications they are taking
 Take this also as one of the major tips for harder erection: Get off the medications that lower your libido

 Medications that lower your libido

  1. Statins

  Statins are cholesterol lowering drugs
 Apart from all the other better known health risks of Statins, Statins can destroy your sex life  

 The liver is the factory where cholesterol is made in the body.
Cholesterol is the raw material from which hormones are made

 Cholesterol lowering drugs can damage the liver, in a rare admission by the FDA

 If the liver's ability to manufacture cholesterol is impaired, then your body has no raw material for making testosterone.

        Kiss your sex life goodbye

   2. NSAID/Acid reflux medications
     lower libido

Another group of medications that can kill your sex drive are NSAID/Acid reflux medications

You can restore your libido by implementing these tips for harder erection as soon as possible.

A study published Jan. 11 in JAMA Internal Medicine, warned about "Chronic Kidney Disease Risks of Acid Reflux Medications"

Such medications include Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid etc.

These belong to a class of drugs known as Proton Pump Inhibitors

     3. Anti depressants 

Did you know anti depressants are the most prescribed medications in the US?

Unfortunately, anti depressants can cause erectile dysfunction

Here is a secret:

Would you believe that Dark Chocolate relieves depression by boosting the level of Serotonin?

That's one of the great tips for harder erection that does not involve dangerous drugs

 Tips to get hard and last longer


            Stop Smoking

This is one of the tips for harder erection that's a no-brainer.
Smoking is a dirty and unhealthy habit

 Smoking can lead to hardening of the arteries-a condition that can prevent adequate amount of blood from getting to the penis

 But the risk of smoking to your sex drive does not stop there. 
Smoking greatly increases your risks of..

  • Heart disease

  • Strokes

  • Brain impairment

  • Diminished lung function that reduces the amount of oxygen to your entire body

Add to that the many dangerous chemicals that cigarette smoke introduces into your body, and you begin to see that quitting smoking is one of the most important of all the tips for harder erection

 We are talking about poisons such as Cyanide, inorganic strontium, formaldehyde etc. etc.
Need we say more?.
Smoking and good erection health do not mix

Here is where to read about how smoking lowers your testosterone level

       Stop Excessive drinking

Once again, another important tip for a better sex life, is to ease off on the bottle

 Alcohol abuse can damage the liver. We have seen earlier on, how important the liver is in the production of testosterone

 If your liver is damaged, you have two options:

 A liver transplant  OR



In the list of the tips for harder erection, how important is this one?
Very important, won't you say?

       Lower your stress level

Stress is a major culprit in erectile dysfunction.

In fact, stress is a major risk factor, for a lot of other risk factors, for erectile problems!

 These include, but not limited to..

  • Depression

  • Obesity 

  • Heart disease 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Brain impairment 

  • Erratic mood 

  • Fatigue etc.

 Stress depletes nutrients in the body
 Lowers the immune system
 My God, in implementing these tips for harder erection, I would put lowering stress close to the top of that list if I were you.

It is that serious!

     Maintain healthy blood pressure

Here's another biggie in the list of erection killers 

 The reason this is one of the most important point in the list of tips for harder erection, is that blood pressure affects the health of almost every organ and cell in the body

High blood pressure..

  • Can cause heart failure

  • Can damage the kidney 

  • Can cause liver damage 

  • Can damage the brain/cause strokes


And won't you know it, the damage to these organs will also rob you of your manhood, and can even kill you

 In the list of the tips for harder erection, it is very hard to state which one tip is more important than the other, because they all are just so important

 But there are some that has the greater potential of  killing you outright, and high blood pressure, is one!

      Increase Testosterone level

Remember earlier on, we noted that testosterone levels in men have been declining over several decades

It is the anxiety this has generated, that the drug companies hope to monetize

But before you open your wallet and say yes to their pitch, read the side effects of testosterone drugs again

I put this one last in the list of tips for harder erection, because some people who can't get erection may have underlying conditions, as you can see from the above

 Gulping down the most natural testosterone booster may not increase your libido if you're overweight, and not doing anything about it

 Implementing all the tips for harder erection may not benefit you, if you are drinking to the point of destroying your liver

 So, if you're sincere about restoring your libido, you can jack up your libido with these tips for a super sex life

 That's how to restore your libido without drugs

And this is the best way to increase testosterone without drugs

Even though I've listed this tip last, it may be one of the most important of these tips for harder erection


 Because research says testosterone levels in men have been dropping steadily for the past 2 decades, regardless of age!
 How much decline?

 How about 20% decline between 1987-2007?

Why this steep decline in testosterone levels?
Read more about why testosterone is declining in men and the dangers of testosterone drugs and more here

Here is a suggestion someone floated by me

It makes perfect sense, when you're thinking about protecting yourself against diseases

And you should!


  ..as far as it being one of the tips for harder erection, it should be at the bottom, if at all, and I'll explain my reasoning.

    Wear a condom?

 The idea behind this hard erection suggestion is that it would reduce sensitivity and thus help you last longer
 But my problem with this is this:

You have sex to feel something-anything that diminishes that experience defeats the whole purpose

If you really want to reduce sensitivity, why not wear two condoms?

See why I think this does not belong on the list of tips for harder erection?


Here is this neat little trick you can use as soon as tonight

This will NOT diminish the sex experience, but will help you last longer in bed

   How to stay hard longer

 Here is this little trick

 Use intensity and persistence
of experience to last longer

        As soon as you feel you're about to shoot your load..

  • Slow down

  • Run your tongue from front to back on the roof of your mouth-back and forth! 

  • Do this continuously, as you take care of business


This is actually one of the most effective hard erection tips that can help you last longer.

You'll find this out when you practice it!

The skin at the roof of your mouth is very, very sensitive
That fact is what this trick takes advantage of!

 As you practice this technique, you'll discover that your attention is now shifted to the roof of your mouth..

..because it is many times as sensitive as the skin covering your penis!

      Power of the mind to

      stay harder longer

The mind assigns priority to, and pays attention to situations based on their intensity and persistence.


  is the key, to this deceptively simple
  but effective, hard erection technique

 This distraction-and that's what it is..
..takes your focus away from your penis.

And you know something, running your tongue on the roof of your mouth can actually be pleasurable too 
Its intensity can really surprise you

 This is how to make sure you stay hard, and not crash land before you reach your destination, if you know what I mean!

Try this hard erection method, you'll thank me for it
So will your woman!

With practice, this can transform you into a super performer in the bedroom

 Practice this!

You'll find out it is one of the most effective tips for harder erection and for satisfying your woman in bed!


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