How does VigRXPlus and ED Drugs Compare?

What are the results of VigRXPlus..

and ED drugs comparison?

Choose a natural male libido enhancer to avoid the heart attack risks of ED drugsAvoid the side effects of ED drugs. Jack up your sex drive using nature's wisdom The best male sex drive enhancer uses naturally derived ingredients that has a history of efficacy dating centuries

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In order to help men make a choice between VigFX Plus and synthetic ED drugs, we have to compare these products in terms of..

Get a hard penis without the side effects of Viagra
  • Safety
  • Effectiveness
  • Price

What Choice.. natural or synthetics libido booster

You and I know that synthetic drugs harm the body ED drugs are no different

Reputable makers of penis enhancement products believe that a male enhancer product should NOT be made from chemicals

It should be sourced only from organic sources

One such reputable company is the manufacturer of VigRX Plus™.

The only side effect of all-natural penis enhancer pills is intense, pleasurable sex and the boost in self confidence that comes with it.

That is one significant result of comparing VigRXPlus and ED drugs

Types of ED Drugs

There are many types of ED Drugs-both oral or non-oral forms
These include:

  • Suppositories

  • Injections

  • Vacuums

  • Surgeries, or penile implants

            I know what you are thinking


That's right!

The hassle of ED Drugs

These methods can be painful especially since several tiny objects are inserted into the penis' tip
They are also a hassle

And worse still, results' duration and effectiveness could be short-term.

For instance, pumping the penis at each sexual encounter and putting a tension ring around its base is tiresome and a hassle

             it gets worse!

This has to be done repeatedly to ensure erection. 
With the organic VigRX Plus, all it takes are two or three pills a day and a glass of water

And you get to have that lasting, satisfactory erection-no pain, no blood, and no hysteria

Here is something that is common to most ED Drugs..

            Heart attack!

Here is the result of VigRXPlus and ED drugs comparison

The result of leads to one inevitable conclusion

Natural is safer and more effective than synthetics!

Side Effects Of ED Drugs

  • Most ED drugs can give you a heart attack

  • Almost ALL ED drugs carry a risk of Priapism
    Priapism is persistent erection that won't go down
    This can cause your penis to fracture

  • ED drugs are a combination of synthetic chemicals
    Your body treats these chemicals as foreign materials and tries to get rid of them

  • Viagra for instance increases your risk of Melanoma, a deadly form of Skin Cancer

  • Some ED drugs such as Viagra can cause vision problems

  • These drugs are not cheap. Some can set you back hundreds of dollars a month

  • Dizziness

  • Indigestion

  • Numbness

  • In almost cases, ED drugs require prescription [Pfizer has now secured permission to sell Viagra Over The Counter in UK]

    These conditions call for immediate medical attention!

  Comparing VigRXPlus and ED Drugs is like

  comparing chemical soups to the wisdom of

         Mother Nature

Read more about the side effects of erection enhancer drugs by following this link

VigRX Plus is the clinically proven libido booster that can make you the best lover your woman ever hadVigRX Plus male enhancer is the natural way to boost your manhood, get harder erection and last longer in bed

Here is why VigRX Plus beats ED Prescription drugs

  • It is a combination of natural ingredients.
    These ingredients have a long history of boosting libido, enhancing energy etc.

  • Requires no prescription

  • Can be taken any time as opposed to some ED drugs that has to be taken an hour before sex

  • More bio available with the inclusion of Bioperine.

The major advantages of VigRX Plus™

  • It uses botanical ingredients and aphrodisiacs
  • Clinically tested ingredients for effectiveness and validated since ancient times
  • Safe, natural ingredients from Mother nature

     Aphrodisiacs that Work

The use of these organic ingredients extend from China, Europe, to South America.

These organic ingredients are what make VigRX Plus a potent male libido enhancer

These natural ingredients are why VigRXPlus and ED drugs should not even be mentioned in the same breath

VigRXPlus makes those drugs look like toxins

Sure, You may find some of the ingredients in some other male enhancer supplements

But one thing that is unique to VigRXPlus-and not found in other libido boosters, is the inclusion of Bioperine

This is what makes VigRX Plus a potent male sexual enhancer

         What is Bioperine?

Bioperine is an extract of Black pepper

Bioperine boosts the bio avalaibility of what it is included in

What does that mean?

It means your body can absorb and use more of the product
Bioperine boosts the power and effectiveness of VigRX Plus so you get more for your money

Are there some prescription ED medications on the market that have helped some men?

If you ask their manufacturers, they would say yes

But so many of these ED drug manufacturers have been sued for the harm they have caused

Abbvie, for instance had had a whopping $140 million dollars judgement levied against it for the side effects of its testosterone gel, Androgel


ED drug manufacturers in legal trouble

Abbvie has been sued by many men. Androgel, Abbvie's maker has been sued by thousands of men who claimed to have been harmed by AndrogelAndrogel, the ED drug made by Abbvie have generated thousands of lawsuits by men who claim to have been injured by this drug.

A judgement for $150 million dollars was also levied against Abbvie in another case

Abbvie has since appealed both judgements

Which leads to the inevitable question:

Are Prescription ED Medications Safe?

Before we answer that question, let's see what some of them are made of

       What Are in Other ED Drugs?

  •  Magnesium stearate

  • Croscarmellose

  • Calcium hydrogen phosphate (anhydrous)

  • Microcrystalline cellulose


Do you recognize these tongue twisting chemicals?
And they are chemicals alright, synthesized in a laboratory

     What are in VigRX Plus?

  • Bioperine

  • Damiana

  • Hawthorn Berry

  • Saw Palmetto

  • Ginkgo Biloba

  • Muira Puama

  • Tribulus Terrestris

  • Catuaba

  • Epimedium Leaf Extract/Horny Goat Weed  

  • Asian Red Ginseng

  • VigRX Plus has been clinically proven to do exactly what it promises-that is, jack up your libido

  • No side effects

VigRX Plus or ED Drugs-which erection booster would You choose

VigRXPlus and ED drugs are in the marketplace alright
But all are not created equal

And by now you know the difference

   Safety Warnings about ED Drugs

ED medications have varied chemical components that men should be careful about.

Men with ED should seek medical help before actually taking any of these ED drugs

There are certain components in ED medications that are not compatible with other medicine ingredients

Men with heart conditions for instance should not take ED drugs without doctor's attention

Men taking nitroglycerin and isosorbide dinitrate, which are components of heart problems and chest pain medicines should especially be cautious

Knowing the difference between VigRXPlus and ED Drugs

VigRX Plus natural male libido enhancer pill not only treats ED but also attends to other sexual irregularities such as:

  • Undersized penis during sexual intercourse

  • Premature ejaculation

  • Decreased sexual vigor

  • Lack of sexual desire

In contrast, ED prescription medications do NOT address the underlying causes of low sex drive

One of the causes of low sex drive may be a sedentary lifestyle

An active lifestyle is beneficial to health in general and good sex drive in particularGet active to boost your sex drive An active reduces risks of heart attack, normalizes blood pressure. A healthy heart is necessary for good libido

Exercises, however moderate, make for better blood cirulation and lower blood pressure

Better blood flow helps you get harder erection

Another reason you may not be able to get hard is sleep deprivation

Get some quality sleep to satisfy your woman in bed

Get some sleep to increase sex driveSleep your way to better sex Sleep deprivation is a risk factor for low sex drive. Choose natural every time

   Convenience of taking VigRX Plus

VigRXPlus and ED drugs-here's another way they differ

Organic supplements can be had anytime of the day

Prescription ED drugs on the other hand have to be taken a full hour or half an hour before sexual intercourse

Makers of penis organic supplements claim that every male can take advantage of their products' potencies without fearing significant health hazards since their ingredients are all natural.

With VigRX Plus™, a user may even be surprised that one of his body weaknesses has been improved right after taking a pill.

   How not to choose a penis hardener

Clinical tests has found that several of VigRX Plus penis enhancement pills' ingredients can:

  • Deter irregular heartbeats

  • Lower cholesterol

  • And normalize blood pressure

  VigRXPlus and ED Drugs such as Viagra

Viagra is an ED drug that carries many health risks for men
These have resulted in some men resisting taking Viagra

This is bad for business and would cut into the bottom line of Pfizer, the maker of Viagra

So in order to stem this-

This will maintain and expand its grip in the ED market
Pfizer feels a need for all these measures to fend off competitors as its patent on Viagra runs out

   Here, are some of the side effects of


  • Flushing
  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Nasal congestion
  • Visual problems
  • Hearing problem
  • Priapism etc.

     Want to be a vigorous male?

Well, you've seen the result of VigRXPlus and ED Drugs comparison
 Choose the Natural Way to Jack up your sex drive
Your woman would love you for it

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Clinically Proved Natural Erection Booster!

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